Dark secrets that Hollywood celebrities try to hide for fame



Hollywood is the leader in this category when we talk about publicity stunts. There’s no limit to how far the industry will go to get the public’s attention.
There is a fact, in the entertainment world, any kind of attention is good, even if it’s bad one.
We have an example of this,  Kanye West and Kim Kardashian started fighting for a spot on the cover of Vogue. Later, it was revealed that she created a firestorm when finally decided to place them on the front page of the fashion magazine.
Everything was planned for the much-needed publicity for the magazine.


If you want to put an actor or actress in their best performance, all it takes is an illicit drug.

The cocaine was listed in the budget as “petty cash” and it was freely available on movie sets, one of the dark secrets of Hollywood that they never usually reveal.

Legendary actor Dennis Quaid revealed he had a “casual” addiction to cocaine before he even became a huge star.



To be very honest, it exists everywhere not only in an entertainment industry.

It is a term used in the industry by the celebrities when someone who give them roles in exchange for sexual favours.

Megan Fox revealed in an interview, she said, “Hollywood legends” would invite her to meet, and she would be so excited for the opportunity. Then, when she would show up, she would realize that the meeting was just a ploy.

She said many of the men were able to get away with sleeping with a lot of girls in the industry, but she wasn’t one of them. She would shut them down immediately.